Implementation of Plant Image Recognition Machine Learning API

Honors Capstone Project



Dr. Ahmed Oun



Document Type



McIntosh Activities Room

Start Date

16-4-2024 2:15 PM

End Date

16-4-2024 5:00 PM


One common issue novice plant owners have is not knowing their plant’s common name or genus. This hinders plant owners from educating themselves to better care for their plants as they are unable to easily search for the relevant data and often leads to experimentation at the cost of the owner’s time and money. This presentation presents an implemented API that facilitates plant identification and information retrieval within a mobile application. Utilizing Machine Learning (ML) image recognition technology, users can upload plant images using an app for quick analysis. Once the user uploads an image, it is processed through a ML algorithm by, an external plant identification service. Upon successful identification, relevant information such as common name, species, genus, and description is retrieved, formatted, and then displayed to the user. The application incorporates two databases: "Leaflife" and "" If the plant is not recognized by the capstone team’s database, "Leaflife," the system refers to the previously received "” database response for the pertinent details. The user interface dynamically updates to reflect the identified plant's information, allowing for a seamless user experience. To optimize performance and responsiveness, asynchronous programming was employed throughout the implementation to ensure smooth handling of image recognition requests, database queries, and UI updates. Additionally, the system leverages post-frame callbacks to synchronize UI updates with the completion of asynchronous tasks, maintaining consistency and usability. Overall, the implementation streamlines the user’s experience, by providing an intuitive and efficient tool for learning about the botanical world.

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Apr 16th, 2:15 PM Apr 16th, 5:00 PM

Implementation of Plant Image Recognition Machine Learning API

McIntosh Activities Room

One common issue novice plant owners have is not knowing their plant’s common name or genus. This hinders plant owners from educating themselves to better care for their plants as they are unable to easily search for the relevant data and often leads to experimentation at the cost of the owner’s time and money. This presentation presents an implemented API that facilitates plant identification and information retrieval within a mobile application. Utilizing Machine Learning (ML) image recognition technology, users can upload plant images using an app for quick analysis. Once the user uploads an image, it is processed through a ML algorithm by, an external plant identification service. Upon successful identification, relevant information such as common name, species, genus, and description is retrieved, formatted, and then displayed to the user. The application incorporates two databases: "Leaflife" and "" If the plant is not recognized by the capstone team’s database, "Leaflife," the system refers to the previously received "” database response for the pertinent details. The user interface dynamically updates to reflect the identified plant's information, allowing for a seamless user experience. To optimize performance and responsiveness, asynchronous programming was employed throughout the implementation to ensure smooth handling of image recognition requests, database queries, and UI updates. Additionally, the system leverages post-frame callbacks to synchronize UI updates with the completion of asynchronous tasks, maintaining consistency and usability. Overall, the implementation streamlines the user’s experience, by providing an intuitive and efficient tool for learning about the botanical world.