Color Psychology's Role in Evoking Emotions: A Study of Brand Identity in Health-Focused Pop Brands

Presenter Information

Haven Noel Hall-VietzFollow


Brit Rowe:



Document Type



McIntosh Ballroom

Start Date

16-4-2024 2:15 PM

End Date

16-4-2024 6:00 PM


Abstract: Color Psychology's Role in Evoking Emotions: A Study of Brand Identity in Health-Focused Pop Brands

Question: How does the application of color psychology in brand identity of health-focused pop brands influence the emotional response of consumers?

With brands like Poppi, Zevia, and Lollipop gaining popularity, there's a growing interest in exploring factors that contribute to their success, including the role of color psychology. In a crowded marketplace, establishing a strong brand identity is crucial for differentiation and attracting consumers, as it can evoke specific emotions. Does the application of color psychology influence the emotional response of consumers to these brands?

The insights gained from this research contains valuable information for marketers and designers. Designers and marketers can tailor their communication strategies to their target audience. This can include refining brand messaging, packaging design, and marketing campaigns to leverage the emotional connections.

The methodology for this study consists of a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods such as self-ethnography, visual anthropology, psychographics, competitor profiling, and marketing research, such as a questionnaire. The insights gained from this research will provide understanding into the emotional bonds formed between consumers and healthy pop brands alternatives.

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Apr 16th, 2:15 PM Apr 16th, 6:00 PM

Color Psychology's Role in Evoking Emotions: A Study of Brand Identity in Health-Focused Pop Brands

McIntosh Ballroom

Abstract: Color Psychology's Role in Evoking Emotions: A Study of Brand Identity in Health-Focused Pop Brands

Question: How does the application of color psychology in brand identity of health-focused pop brands influence the emotional response of consumers?

With brands like Poppi, Zevia, and Lollipop gaining popularity, there's a growing interest in exploring factors that contribute to their success, including the role of color psychology. In a crowded marketplace, establishing a strong brand identity is crucial for differentiation and attracting consumers, as it can evoke specific emotions. Does the application of color psychology influence the emotional response of consumers to these brands?

The insights gained from this research contains valuable information for marketers and designers. Designers and marketers can tailor their communication strategies to their target audience. This can include refining brand messaging, packaging design, and marketing campaigns to leverage the emotional connections.

The methodology for this study consists of a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods such as self-ethnography, visual anthropology, psychographics, competitor profiling, and marketing research, such as a questionnaire. The insights gained from this research will provide understanding into the emotional bonds formed between consumers and healthy pop brands alternatives.