Looking Into the Future of Petroleum: What is the Next Step?

Presenter Information

Rylie BeesonFollow

Honors Capstone Project



Dr. Foster



Document Type



McIntosh Activities Room

Start Date

16-4-2024 2:15 PM

End Date

16-4-2024 5:00 PM


Consumers are becoming more aware of where and what they are spending their money on and they are becoming more and more eco-friendly. The petroleum industry is particularly being targeted as a non eco-friendly industry, this extends out to the gas-guzzling cars and planes the petroleum fuels. This research paper discusses the socio-cultural impact consumer perceptions have on industries, the environmental impact the petroleum industry makes, and alternative substitutions to the industry and their impacts to look into the future of the petroleum industry and their competitors.

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Apr 16th, 2:15 PM Apr 16th, 5:00 PM

Looking Into the Future of Petroleum: What is the Next Step?

McIntosh Activities Room

Consumers are becoming more aware of where and what they are spending their money on and they are becoming more and more eco-friendly. The petroleum industry is particularly being targeted as a non eco-friendly industry, this extends out to the gas-guzzling cars and planes the petroleum fuels. This research paper discusses the socio-cultural impact consumer perceptions have on industries, the environmental impact the petroleum industry makes, and alternative substitutions to the industry and their impacts to look into the future of the petroleum industry and their competitors.