Breaking the Silence: A study on public perception of sexual exploitation


Professor Jessica Swanson

Academic Title: Assistant Professor

Department: Criminal Justice

College: Arts and Sciences


Work Phone: (419)-772-2136



Document Type



McIntosh Activities Room

Start Date

19-4-2024 12:00 PM

End Date

19-4-2024 12:50 PM


Public opinion has always been an influencing factor in our day-to-day lives. As society constantly changes around us, our perception of others is becoming more impactful and persuasive. This comes from the innovation of current technology ranging from the early 2000s to the current year 2024 where social media has now become a staple of our lives. It decides how we act, how we appear, and how we think, and when relating to others it can be nasty. Victims of tragedies are usually at the top of the list as everyone usually wants a say in whether they are truly victims. While the study is still in progress, this research project aims to examine public opinion toward state policies that provide services to victims of sexual exploitation and will present an overall plan of action going forward. This research will use quantitative methods via qualtrics survey distribution using probability sampling to obtain important data on policy approval. Results will be compared visually through histograms and scatter plots. Also, Crosstab Analysis, Pearson's R, and the Chi-Square will be used in the data collection presented through Excel. My research project will provide substantial contributions to the awareness projects surrounding sexual exploitation. The goal is to identify policies that the public can support the most after presenting several questions regarding different kinds of services provided by the state. Also, my research will allow me to understand what policies are the most hurtful toward victims of sexual exploitation. This research can be used to help teach uninformed members of disenfranchised communities about exploitation and how to prevent it from happening to them.

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Apr 19th, 12:00 PM Apr 19th, 12:50 PM

Breaking the Silence: A study on public perception of sexual exploitation

McIntosh Activities Room

Public opinion has always been an influencing factor in our day-to-day lives. As society constantly changes around us, our perception of others is becoming more impactful and persuasive. This comes from the innovation of current technology ranging from the early 2000s to the current year 2024 where social media has now become a staple of our lives. It decides how we act, how we appear, and how we think, and when relating to others it can be nasty. Victims of tragedies are usually at the top of the list as everyone usually wants a say in whether they are truly victims. While the study is still in progress, this research project aims to examine public opinion toward state policies that provide services to victims of sexual exploitation and will present an overall plan of action going forward. This research will use quantitative methods via qualtrics survey distribution using probability sampling to obtain important data on policy approval. Results will be compared visually through histograms and scatter plots. Also, Crosstab Analysis, Pearson's R, and the Chi-Square will be used in the data collection presented through Excel. My research project will provide substantial contributions to the awareness projects surrounding sexual exploitation. The goal is to identify policies that the public can support the most after presenting several questions regarding different kinds of services provided by the state. Also, my research will allow me to understand what policies are the most hurtful toward victims of sexual exploitation. This research can be used to help teach uninformed members of disenfranchised communities about exploitation and how to prevent it from happening to them.