Solving Multi-Objective Optimization Problems with the Pymoo Library


Dr. Ian Kropp



Document Type



McIntosh Activities Room

Start Date

19-4-2024 12:00 PM

End Date

12-4-2024 12:50 PM


Solving multi-objective problems, or finding the optimal solution or "trade-off", has been a challenging feat in many disciplines of human society. With Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization (EMO) researchers have developed a way to model such problems to find feasible solutions by using populations that evolve from one another by crossing-over, mutation, and selection of the most dominant solutions in the pareto front. To research how EMO performs, I utilize the pymoo library in the Python language and Jupyter Notebook to analyze test problems and how pymoo detects optimal solutions. Additionally, I use the pymoo library to develop an algorithm to find the solution to a given Sudoku puzzle by utilizing the Genetic Algorithm and developing constraints to find the optimal solution.

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Apr 19th, 12:00 PM Apr 12th, 12:50 PM

Solving Multi-Objective Optimization Problems with the Pymoo Library

McIntosh Activities Room

Solving multi-objective problems, or finding the optimal solution or "trade-off", has been a challenging feat in many disciplines of human society. With Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization (EMO) researchers have developed a way to model such problems to find feasible solutions by using populations that evolve from one another by crossing-over, mutation, and selection of the most dominant solutions in the pareto front. To research how EMO performs, I utilize the pymoo library in the Python language and Jupyter Notebook to analyze test problems and how pymoo detects optimal solutions. Additionally, I use the pymoo library to develop an algorithm to find the solution to a given Sudoku puzzle by utilizing the Genetic Algorithm and developing constraints to find the optimal solution.