Attempt to Method Validate the Multiport Internal Calibration (MPIC) Procedure and a Constructive Analysis of Potential Error
Dr. Harold Schueler
Document Type
McIntosh Activities Room
Start Date
19-4-2024 10:00 AM
End Date
19-4-2024 10:50 AM
In an ever-evolving world, different variants or new concoctions of drugs have become widespread at a rapid rate. Multi-Point Internal Calibration (MPIC) is a method created to allows for a reduced time for batch runs due to the technique’s lack of external calibrators, matrix effects, need to aid in stability and ion suppression and or enhancement often associated with LC-MS instrumentation. Since the technique and protocols have already been established, the objective was to validate the protocols using methamphetamine based upon the American Academy of Forensics Sciences ANSI/ASB Standard 036. To accomplish this, methamphetamine, a potent stimulant that is immensely addictive, was selected to be the focus drug of this method validation. On a molecular level, Methamphetamine has an ion [M+H]+ of 150. In order to construct the curve to allow for quantification, five different isotopologues of methamphetamine, those being D5 [M+H]+ of 155, D8 [M+H]+ of 158, D9 [M+H]+ of 159, D11 [M+H]+ of 161 and D14 [M+H]+ of 164, were added to a single sample at various concentrations to establish the quantity of the drug in the same sample when spiked with the methamphetamine. Although previous results prove to be promising, further testing is required as the results produced in this attempt to validate the method were not compatible with the original projection, which suggests an issue with the protocols or most likely human error due to the techniques unique nature.
Recommended Citation
Queen, Alyssa and Queen, Alyssa, "Attempt to Method Validate the Multiport Internal Calibration (MPIC) Procedure and a Constructive Analysis of Potential Error" (2024). ONU Student Research Colloquium. 21.
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Attempt to Method Validate the Multiport Internal Calibration (MPIC) Procedure and a Constructive Analysis of Potential Error
McIntosh Activities Room
In an ever-evolving world, different variants or new concoctions of drugs have become widespread at a rapid rate. Multi-Point Internal Calibration (MPIC) is a method created to allows for a reduced time for batch runs due to the technique’s lack of external calibrators, matrix effects, need to aid in stability and ion suppression and or enhancement often associated with LC-MS instrumentation. Since the technique and protocols have already been established, the objective was to validate the protocols using methamphetamine based upon the American Academy of Forensics Sciences ANSI/ASB Standard 036. To accomplish this, methamphetamine, a potent stimulant that is immensely addictive, was selected to be the focus drug of this method validation. On a molecular level, Methamphetamine has an ion [M+H]+ of 150. In order to construct the curve to allow for quantification, five different isotopologues of methamphetamine, those being D5 [M+H]+ of 155, D8 [M+H]+ of 158, D9 [M+H]+ of 159, D11 [M+H]+ of 161 and D14 [M+H]+ of 164, were added to a single sample at various concentrations to establish the quantity of the drug in the same sample when spiked with the methamphetamine. Although previous results prove to be promising, further testing is required as the results produced in this attempt to validate the method were not compatible with the original projection, which suggests an issue with the protocols or most likely human error due to the techniques unique nature.