
Melissa Eddings, MFA Ohio Northern University Art and Design

Document Type


Start Date

24-4-2020 9:00 AM


Italian Futurism was the result of political distress and a sharp increase in new technology. The movement’s focus was to kill off traditional culture and adopt a more futuristic one. Futurists were also violently oppressive—and the goal was to keep those ideologies while also focusing on how quickly the human race was moving with the advancement of technologies. I’ve created this body of work to show the parallels between Italian Futurism and the state of the Unites States—and the world right now. I practiced techniques such as creating chronophotograph-like imagery which was used in some futurist art as to capture the movement and speed of the subject, and used influential futurist works made by artists Antonio Sant’Elia, Giacomo Balla, and Alfredo Ambrosi as inspiration for some of my work. The state of the modern world is undergoing extreme changes in terms of the safety of the human race. The direction we are moving towards can be detrimental when each aspect the larger issue is taken into account. What someone should get from this project is only how they feel about a future the futurists encouraged, and the fact that it is already becoming a reality.


This presentation is part of the Pecha Kucha series.


Available to ONU community via local IP address and ONU login.


Apr 24th, 9:00 AM

Futurism in the Modern World

Italian Futurism was the result of political distress and a sharp increase in new technology. The movement’s focus was to kill off traditional culture and adopt a more futuristic one. Futurists were also violently oppressive—and the goal was to keep those ideologies while also focusing on how quickly the human race was moving with the advancement of technologies. I’ve created this body of work to show the parallels between Italian Futurism and the state of the Unites States—and the world right now. I practiced techniques such as creating chronophotograph-like imagery which was used in some futurist art as to capture the movement and speed of the subject, and used influential futurist works made by artists Antonio Sant’Elia, Giacomo Balla, and Alfredo Ambrosi as inspiration for some of my work. The state of the modern world is undergoing extreme changes in terms of the safety of the human race. The direction we are moving towards can be detrimental when each aspect the larger issue is taken into account. What someone should get from this project is only how they feel about a future the futurists encouraged, and the fact that it is already becoming a reality.