
Pharmacy and Wellness Review

Volume 5, Issue 2 (2014)


Legislation Editorial
Kent Wilin, Kaitlin Horton, and Maria Laikos


Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: A Targeted Review for Pharmacists
Andrew Skouby, Gabi Gegenheimer, Kelsey Lindsley, Sarah Kradel, and Michael Rush


Achieving Provider Status for Pharmacists
Kasie Bellmann, Alexandra Dimit, Kelsey Weisenburger, and Donald L. Sullivan


Answers About the Need for Vitamin D Supplementation
Halle Orlinski, Hannah Stewart, Amanda Lanker, Sarah Kradel, and Sandra L. Hrometz


A Review of the Guidelines and Treatment Options for Major Depressive Disorder in Adolescents
Stacy Henthorne, Joy Hoffman, Albert Bui, Sarah Kradel, Suzanne M. Lifer, and Mary Ellen Hethcox


Phenoconversion: Drug-Drug-Gene Interactions
Molly Kulp, Emily Limberg, Brooke Marlowe, Taylor Roberson, and David F. Kisor


Trametinib and Dabrafenib: New Agents for Advanced Stage Melanoma
Kelsey Weisenburger, Kevin Krivanek, Armond Cosiano, Kasie Bellmann, and Mark E. Olah


Kent Wilin
Managing Editor
Kaitlin Horton
Maria Laikos
Lead Editors
Kasie Bellman
Emily Blum
Kelsey Fink
Sarah Kradel
Taylor Roberson
Formatting Editor
Joanne Tran
Circulation Editor
Tristan Maiers

Faculty Advisors

Mary Ellen Hethcox, BSPh, PharmD
Karen L. Kier, BSPh '82, Ph.D., R.Ph., BCPS, BCACP
Natalie A. DiPietro, PharmD '01, MPH
Original Journal Layout
Darlene Bowers