Pharmacy and Wellness Review
Volume 0, Issue 1 (2012) PAW Review Supplement - April 2012
Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs
Kevin Stack, Eric Stack, Stelios Theophanous, Anne Gentry, and Jason M. Pogue
Understanding Drug Shortages as a Pharmacist
Heather Helsel, Thomas Otroba, Juliana Zschoche, and Elizabeth Dodds-Ashley
A Pharmacist's Guide to Vaccinations
Amy Gillman, Jessica Beck, and Vincent Wu
Phase IV Clinical Trials: Postmarketing Surveillance of Prescription Drugs
Morgan Belling, Jacquline Nunner, and Jessica Stemen
New Federal Ban on Bath Salts: Attempts to Contain a Growing Epidemic
Courtney L. Salvino, Adam N. Trimble, David N. Jones, Margaret Rowland, and Michael M. Milks

- Editor-in-Chief
- Kelly Fargo
- Managing Editor
- MaryAnne Ventura
- Lead Editors
- Jamie Amero
- Jennifer Bauer
- Ellen Hazelet
- Amanda Meyer
- Formatting Editor
- Margaret Rowland
- Original Website Editor
- Aisha Oliver
Faculty Advisors
- Anne F. Gentry, PharmD
- Karen L. Kier, BSPh '82, Ph.D., R.Ph., BCPS, BCACP
- Natalie A. DiPietro, PharmD '01, MPH
- Original Journal Layout
- Darlene Bowers