Scanning Memory and its Relation to Visual Searches

Document Type

Capstone Enhancement

Publication Date



The research looks into potential changes from short-term memory due to generational differences. Previous research has seen that people have a bias towards numeric data in their short-term memory, and tend to use an exhaustive strategy during short-term recall. However, a case study that I ran on myself showed a bias towards letters over numbers instead, which I hypothesized as growing up in a world where I did not have to memorize many phone numbers or addresses because of the prevalence of technology. Because of this, I believe that the newer generations, who were also raised in the same sort of environment, may have differing results than that of previous findings. I have decided to run an experiment on a group of undergraduate students to see the trends and patterns among their memory and performance. This paper details the background to the experiment, the methodology used during it, the results of the experiment, and how these results can be analyzed alongside their implications.

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