Hardware implementation of Extended Euclid Algorithm


Ada, Ohio

Start Date

3-12-2024 12:00 AM

End Date

3-12-2024 12:00 AM


Encryption algorithms become increasingly important in the world as computers continue to dominate more areas. Many public key encryption algorithms, such as RSA, use Bezout’s identity. It has become apparent that software applications of these algorithms are limited in their use, especially when it comes to encryption using incredibly large numbers. Due to this, I have begun work on a hardware implementation of the Extended Euclid Algorithm which uses Bezout’s identity in order to find modular inverses of coprime numbers. The goal of this is to find how good a hardware implementation of the Extended Euclid Algorithm is in areas such as speed and power usage.

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Dec 3rd, 12:00 AM Dec 3rd, 12:00 AM

Hardware implementation of Extended Euclid Algorithm

Ada, Ohio

Encryption algorithms become increasingly important in the world as computers continue to dominate more areas. Many public key encryption algorithms, such as RSA, use Bezout’s identity. It has become apparent that software applications of these algorithms are limited in their use, especially when it comes to encryption using incredibly large numbers. Due to this, I have begun work on a hardware implementation of the Extended Euclid Algorithm which uses Bezout’s identity in order to find modular inverses of coprime numbers. The goal of this is to find how good a hardware implementation of the Extended Euclid Algorithm is in areas such as speed and power usage.