Application of Numerical Analysis in Optimizing Syndactyly Surgery


Ada, Ohio

Start Date

3-12-2024 12:00 AM

End Date

3-12-2024 12:00 AM


Syndactyly, a congenital condition where two or more fingers or toes are fused, often necessitates surgical intervention to restore both function and appearance. Traditionally, these surgeries rely on the surgeon’s expertise and preference. However, with advancements in computational methods, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) offers a new approach to preoperative planning. As a comprehensive simulation tool, FEA can be applied during syndactyly surgery to assess various surgical options. In our analysis, the goal of the surgery is to reconstruct the syndactylized hand to match the patient’s unaffected hand, using the healthy hand as a reference model. FEA was used to simulate various surgical approaches, exploring how changes in the size and shape of the dorsal flap impacted the outcomes. The study demonstrated significant improvements in syndactyly surgery, showing how FEA helped surgeons refine their techniques to reduce postoperative complications, accelerate recovery, and customize procedures for each patient. By combining modern computational tools with evolving surgical methods, the research highlighted the potential for more precise, scientifically guided approaches to syndactyly surgery, ultimately enhancing both functional and aesthetic outcomes for patients.

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Dec 3rd, 12:00 AM Dec 3rd, 12:00 AM

Application of Numerical Analysis in Optimizing Syndactyly Surgery

Ada, Ohio

Syndactyly, a congenital condition where two or more fingers or toes are fused, often necessitates surgical intervention to restore both function and appearance. Traditionally, these surgeries rely on the surgeon’s expertise and preference. However, with advancements in computational methods, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) offers a new approach to preoperative planning. As a comprehensive simulation tool, FEA can be applied during syndactyly surgery to assess various surgical options. In our analysis, the goal of the surgery is to reconstruct the syndactylized hand to match the patient’s unaffected hand, using the healthy hand as a reference model. FEA was used to simulate various surgical approaches, exploring how changes in the size and shape of the dorsal flap impacted the outcomes. The study demonstrated significant improvements in syndactyly surgery, showing how FEA helped surgeons refine their techniques to reduce postoperative complications, accelerate recovery, and customize procedures for each patient. By combining modern computational tools with evolving surgical methods, the research highlighted the potential for more precise, scientifically guided approaches to syndactyly surgery, ultimately enhancing both functional and aesthetic outcomes for patients.