Pharmacy and Wellness Review
Polyphenols are naturally occurring compounds that are found within numerous plant sources. They have a wide variety of structures and functions and have potential clinical uses in multiple disease states. Emerging studies involving polyphenols have demonstrated their antioxidative properties, as well as reduced risks of cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer. Due to these discoveries, there has been a marked increase in research related to the chemical properties of polyphenols and their potential uses in prevention of common acquired and inherited disease states. This article focuses on the effects that some polyphenolic compounds exert on immune function in regard to the induction and clinical manifestations of the allergic response and how supplementation with polyphenol-enriched apple extracts may alter the approach to treating atopic dermatitis and food allergies. Currently, due to the lack of large clinical trials detailing efficacy and safety data for these compounds when used to alter immune system responses to allergens, there are no strong recommendations for their use as prevention or acute treatment strategies for allergies.
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Allergy and Immunology Commons, Dermatology Commons, Natural Products Chemistry and Pharmacognosy Commons, Skin and Connective Tissue Diseases Commons