Ohio Northern University Law Review
Tax Policy in the 21st Century: Challenges and Changesfrom the Time of Larry Woodworth
Thomas A. Barthold
Who Are We Fighting? Conceptions of the Enemy in the War onTerror
Lawrence Friedman
The Criminalized State:The International Criminal Court, the Responsibility to Protect,and Darfur, Republic of Sudan
Matthew H. Charity
Nothings into Something:Intrinsic Value and Counterfeit Moneyin Antebellum Law and Culture
Robert E. Mensel
Establishing the Best Answer to Paternity Disestablishment
Brandon James Hoover ESQ.
Boumediene v. Bush: Does It Really Curtail ExecutiveManipulation?
Nelson Berardinelli
Roper v. Simmons: How the Supreme Court of the United Stateshas Established the Framework for Judicial Abolition of theDeath Penalty in the United States
Brian Daniel Anderson