This collection contains scholarship and creative works from members of faculty in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Ohio Northern University's College of Engineering. Content may include journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings or papers, poster sessions, essays, and other materials.


Works from 2018

Simple Method to Estimate Residual Displacement in Concrete Bridge Columns under Near-Fault Earthquake Motions, Seyed Ardakani and M. Saiidi

Water Temperature Duration Curves for Thermoelectric Power Plant Mixing Zone Analysis, Lauren H. Logan and Ashlynn S. Stillwell

Estimating Water Consumption from Thermoelectric Power Generation, Lauren H. Logan, Anurag A. Chandak, and Ashlynn S. Stillwell

Probabilistic assessment of aquatic species risk from thermoelectric power plant effluent: Incorporating biology into the energy-water nexus, Lauren H. Logan and Ashlynn S. Stillwell

Works from 2017

Temperature Duration Curves and the Energy-Water Nexus, Lauren H. Logan and Ashlynn S. Stillwell